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Gallery of cases
Dental Implants Cases
A case of full upper & lower arches all-on-X treatment
A case of upper arch all on-4 treatment
81 year old man 4 dental implants inserted in his lower jaw and 2 in his upper jaw By Dr Ali Al-Rikabi, restored with lower fixed implants retained bridge and upper removable implants supported denture
This lady had 2 dental implants inserted in her lower jaw to support her denture and give her more better denture stability
All on four dental implant case, patient left on the same day with a set of fixed teeth after removing all the lower bad teeth.
A single implant case by Dr Ali Al-Rikabi
Multiple implants case
Single implant case for a lady by Dr Ali Al-Rikabi
3 implants placed for 83 year old man who was fed up of wearing dentures, awaiting full implants osteointegration ( implants to bed in ) prior final restoration
Aesthetics Cases
A case of an un-glossed, natural looking lips before and after fillers injection by Dr Al-Rikabi!
Anti-wrinle Treatment
This an un-glossed, lips before and after fillers injection by Dr Al-Rikabi (1ml of Belotero Fillers)
Skin cases
This is a case of a young patient who had a keloid scar removed and ear lobe refashioned by Dr Al-Rikabi
Dental Odontome
This is a case of a young patient who had this benign dental mass removed by Dr Al-Rikabi
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